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21 Years Old Oluwaseyi Bababusola Emerges Nigeria Most Beautiful Girl 2022

A Badagry born Oluwaseyi Bababusola has emerged Nigeria Most Beautiful Girl 2022.

The 2022 edition took place at Pelican International Hotel recently.

The 21-year-old graduate of Lagos State University and HBF/GOPA-GIZ Start Up Module represented Lagos State at the contest. She's an Actor, Writer, Commercial Model, Girl Child Advocate, Climate Educationist, Founder of Reaching Hands Foundation and Creative Director, Isedola Sustainable Crafts Enterprises. 

The beauty queen floored other contestants at the keenly contested exercise. 

Other Winners are Queen Joan Joachim, Top Model Nigeria Most Beautiful Girl and Queen Ugboaja Ijeoma emerges NMBG Tourism.

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